The Invisible Dictator Buried in Your Subconscious
- By Tania
- On 13 Jul, 2020
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You may be under the impression that you make your own decisions and control your life but there is an invisible dictator buried in your subconscious telling you what to do and controlling your actions and life.
How many times do you find yourself repeating the same patterns in life? Do you feel, that somehow, no matter what you do, you always end up with the same outcomes? You experience the same problems, the same struggles, and encounter the same obstacles. You have the same arguments, attract the same kind of partner or keep going back to the people or things that end up hurting you?
Well, you are definitely not alone. We all have a tendency to repeat patterns that lead us down a familiar pathway of what feels comfortable and safe. Unfortunately, this pathway leads to a mediocre and inferior life.
So, what is leading us down this inferior pathway? We are driven by what I call a “mold” that reinforces our limitations. A mold is created from the repetition of thoughts, habits, patterns, and beliefs. It starts out formless and empty, and is shaped by whatever we choose to put into it. This limiting mold keeps us stuck on repeat and prevents us from maximizing our potential and living our best life.
As a mold gets bigger it becomes partial to what is already there and like a magnet draws in more of what dominates, and begins to repel the opposite. We act and react based on what the mold is saying. Hence, we continue to play out familiar and predictable patterns. Do you ever notice when you are having an argument, the topic of disagreement seems to expand beyond what initially triggered the argument? You are arguing from past arguments that are resurfacing and not the current argument. Many times, you can’t even remember what you were arguing about, but you are so consumed by anger you just can’t seem to let it go. Your mold is controlling your behaviour during the argument. It’s pulling up past beliefs, and now you are reacting from what your mold is saying and not the actual argument.
Your past conditioning has created a life chock-full of limitations. A mold is not real, it’s created and it’s the foundation for all your decisions. It’s the invisible dictator buried in your subconscious controlling every aspect of your life and sabotaging your future. A mold is a false reality that causes you to fall short of your full potential and has you living an ordinary existence. Many limitations you have unknowingly created for yourself, and others are destined by fate or karma. No matter the cause, it’s always in your control to either accept or break from limitations.
Your true identity is buried beneath your mold in the space that existed before you created it. This space is where all potentiality exists, and you can create an extraordinary life from it. A life you thought was never possible for you. If you are not living your dream life, it’s time to break your mold, silence the invisible dictator and move in the direction of your best life.